That's really strange! We've got a block @BeforeEach setup.... why don't we place the piece of code into it?
var customer = new Customer(,
new Random().nextInt(18, 99)
Why does he use the email address to find the customer we've just inserted? He basically relies on a method he hasn't tested yet. It's a shame!
If the previous test is passed we mainly need to rely on it instead.
void selectCustomerById() {
var customer1 = customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest.selectAllCustomers()
var customer2 = customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest.selectCustomerById(customer1.getId())
We don't care what email our inserted user has.... All we care about is if there is a user at all. We get the user and then we test our method looking the user by its ID. Here is the code:
void setUp() {
customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest = new CustomerJDBCDataAccessService(getJdbcTemplate());
var customer = new Customer(,
new Random().nextInt(18, 99)
void selectAllCustomers() {
var customers = customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest.selectAllCustomers();
void selectCustomerById() {
var customer1 = customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest.selectAllCustomers()
var customer2 = customerJDBCDataAccessServiceUnitTest.selectCustomerById(customer1.getId())
That's really strange! We've got a block @BeforeEach setup.... why don't we place the piece of code into it?
Why does he use the email address to find the customer we've just inserted? He basically relies on a method he hasn't tested yet. It's a shame!
If the previous test is passed we mainly need to rely on it instead.
We don't care what email our inserted user has.... All we care about is if there is a user at all. We get the user and then we test our method looking the user by its ID. Here is the code: