Planning breaking change in syntax. Current octave change characters: -+ will change to _^
This change allows use of -+ characters with negative degrees. Two octaves using negative and positive degrees: "-7654321+1234567". This can also be more intuitive in some cases, for example "1-123" is more intuitive than current "1-765", which would be "1_765" after the change.
Negative degrees also come in handy when creating harmonies and inverse melodies. Inverse melody can be created by inversing the degree and adding offset. Simple way to add this:
degrees.each do |degree|
-(degree)+inverse+offset if degree!=inverse && degree!=0
zplay "1231", inverse: 0 # Complete inversion. Plays "-1231"
zplay "1231", inverse: 1 # Inversion with same starting point. Plays "1-12+1"
zplay "1231", inverse: 1, offset: 3 # --..-- and offset. Plays "4254"
These two parameters would then make easy way to invert melodies and create harmonies when playing same original melody in multiple threads.
Planning breaking change in syntax. Current octave change characters: -+ will change to _^
This change allows use of -+ characters with negative degrees. Two octaves using negative and positive degrees: "-7654321+1234567". This can also be more intuitive in some cases, for example "1-123" is more intuitive than current "1-765", which would be "1_765" after the change.
Negative degrees also come in handy when creating harmonies and inverse melodies. Inverse melody can be created by inversing the degree and adding offset. Simple way to add this:
These two parameters would then make easy way to invert melodies and create harmonies when playing same original melody in multiple threads.