amiller / libfreenect-goodies

Extra libraries and examples for libfreenect, especially high level processing, vision, and visualizations
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strange point clouds as output for this code #14

Closed c-chaitanya closed 7 years ago

c-chaitanya commented 7 years ago
import freenect
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def depth2xyzuv(depth, u=None, v=None):
  if u is None or v is None:
    u,v = np.mgrid[:480,:640]

  # Build a 3xN matrix of the d,u,v data
  C = np.vstack((u.flatten(), v.flatten(), depth.flatten(), 0*u.flatten()+1))

  # Project the duv matrix into xyz using xyz_matrix()
  X,Y,Z,W =,C)
  X,Y,Z = X/W, Y/W, Z/W
  xyz = np.vstack((X,Y,Z)).transpose()
  xyz = xyz[Z<0,:]

  U,V,_,W =, xyz_matrix()),C)
  U,V = U/W, V/W
  uv = np.vstack((U,V)).transpose()    
  uv = uv[Z<0,:]       

  # Return both the XYZ coordinates and the UV coordinates
  return xyz, uv
def uv_matrix():

  rot = np.array([[ 9.99846e-01,   -1.26353e-03,   1.74872e-02], 
                  [-1.4779096e-03, -9.999238e-01,  1.225138e-02],
                  [1.747042e-02,   -1.227534e-02,  -9.99772e-01]])
  trans = np.array([[1.9985e-02, -7.44237e-04,-1.0916736e-02]])
  m = np.hstack((rot, -trans.transpose()))
  m = np.vstack((m, np.array([[0,0,0,1]])))
  KK = np.array([[529.2, 0, 329, 0],
                 [0, 525.6, 267.5, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1],
                 [0, 0, 1, 0]])
  m =, (m))
  return m

def xyz_matrix():
  fx = 594.21
  fy = 591.04
  a = -0.0030711
  b = 3.3309495
  cx = 339.5
  cy = 242.7
  mat = np.array([[1/fx, 0, 0, -cx/fx],
                  [0, -1/fy, 0, cy/fy],
                  [0,   0, 0,    -1],
                  [0,   0, a,     b]])
  return mat
# save information in csv File
def save_3d_information(xyz,uv,img):
    # use globals in context
    global taken_photos
    # create pointcloud file
    pointcloud_file = open('pointcloud-'+str(taken_photos)+'.pcd','wb')
    index = 0
    for i in range(0, len(xyz)):
        if xyz[i][0]==0 or xyz[i][1]==0 or xyz[i][2]==0 :
        index += 1

    pointcloud_file.write("# .PCD v.7 - Point Cloud Data file format\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("VERSION .7\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("FIELDS x y z rgb\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("SIZE 4 4 4 4\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("TYPE F F F F\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("COUNT 1 1 1 1\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("WIDTH "+str(index)+"\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("HEIGHT 1\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("POINTS "+str(index)+"\n")
    pointcloud_file.write("DATA ascii\n")
    #Assign colors from the rectified image
    for i in range(0, len(xyz)):
        if xyz[i][0]==0 or xyz[i][1]==0 or xyz[i][2]==0 :
        #print uv[i][0] 
        g = img[x][y]
        #print g
        rgb = ((int)(g[0])) << 16 | ((int)(g[1])) << 8 | ((int)(g[2]))
        #print rgb
        #cloud_color.points[i].rgb = *(float*)(&rgb);
        pointcloud_file.write(str(float(xyz[i][0]))+" "+str(float(xyz[i][1]))+" "+str(float(xyz[i][2]))+" "+str(float(rgb))+"\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arg1 = sys.argv[1]
    arg2 = sys.argv[2]
    taken_photos = 0
    rgb = np.uint8(cv2.imread(arg1))
    depth = cv2.imread(arg2,-1)
    #arr = depth.astype(np.uint8)
    #cv2.imshow('RGB image',rgb)
    #cv2.imshow('Depth image',arr)
    u,v = np.mgrid[:480,:640]
    xyz,uv = depth2xyzuv(depth,u,v)
    print (xyz)
    print (uv)

libasoles commented 5 years ago

Do you a working sample of the library? I mean, there's no documentation for depth2xyzuv and it seems just a few people understand the return of the function.

c-chaitanya commented 5 years ago

Hi @libasoles, The mistake I was making in the above code was that I was first saving the 3D point cloud to a 2D image, where all the important information of the third dimension are lost. I'm was then converting the 2D image to point cloud which gave me an almost flat point cloud. Directly save the capture to PCL format. The above code works fine as it is. The depth2xyzuv function saves the xyz 3D points of point cloud and color information in RGB if you select to save color information also, don't remember the uv part though.