amiller / libfreenect-goodies

Extra libraries and examples for libfreenect, especially high level processing, vision, and visualizations
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Usage instructions - error on step 1 #8

Open kttran opened 10 years ago

kttran commented 10 years ago

I followed the instruction and got the following 3 errors. Please help. Thank you.


sudo ipython -pylab -wthread

[TerminalIPythonApp] Bad config encountered during initialization: [TerminalIPythonApp] Unrecognized flag: '-wthread'

2) is missing in the repository. Could it have been removed?


sudo ipython --pylab=auto

Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment [backend: TkAgg]. For more information, type 'help(pylab)'. [Stream 70] Expected 1748 data bytes, but got 948

jordan-gleeson commented 8 years ago

I seem to be plagued by the same issue. Did you ever find a solution?