amine0110 / nifti2dicom

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Some error with meta data #3

Closed iAmIlluminati closed 1 year ago

iAmIlluminati commented 1 year ago

I converted a .nii file to dicom. It is a volumetric scan, using nifti2dicom_1file(input_path,output_path) but when i tried to view it using , I could see one slice at a time and it recognises each .dcm as a separate scan instead of a sequence. But it works fine in converting when I use a online tool like . How to fix this and programmatically generate the DICOM ?

amine0110 commented 1 year ago


Yes this code is not very precise for this conversion, I created something more accurate and fixes this error of indexation. Please find it in this repo:

The most important part for you is from here:

Happy learning