amineHorseman / facial-expression-recognition-using-cnn

Deep facial expressions recognition using Opencv and Tensorflow. Recognizing facial expressions from images or camera stream
GNU General Public License v3.0
445 stars 141 forks source link

Issue in executing #13

Closed Bugjub closed 5 years ago

Bugjub commented 5 years ago

Hi, Can anybody guide me as to why am I getting this error while I try to run the : line 7, import pprint( SyntaxError: invalid syntax


amineHorseman commented 5 years ago

Hi, I just pushed a commit correcting the error Thank you for helping finding bugs

Bugjub commented 5 years ago

@amineHorseman : All print commands in the have syntax errors. You may want to re-check the complete file for errors. For example: Line 47 print( "#################################" Line 48 print( " Evaluation {} of {}".format(current_eval, max_evals) Line 49 print( "#################################" Line 60 print( "#################################" Line 61 print( "Exception during training: {}".format(str(e)) Line 62 print( "Saving train history in train_history.npy" Line 78 print( "#################################" Line 79 print( " Best parameters found" Line 80 print( "#################################" Line 81 pprint(.pprint((best_trial) Line 82 print( "#################################" Thanks