amingolmahalle / HttpClientToCurlGenerator

The HttpClientToCurl is a NuGet package for generating curl script of HttpClient in .NET ( C# | CSharp | Dotnet ) supported features: Post, Get, Put, and Delete. content types: application/json, text/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
MIT License
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Proposal: Add Sample Projects for Better Documentation #19

Closed Sabermotamedi closed 6 months ago

Sabermotamedi commented 6 months ago

Issue Description


Improve project documentation by adding sample projects that demonstrate how to use the library.


As a user, I find it beneficial to have concrete examples of how to use the library in different scenarios. Adding sample projects will make it easier for users to understand and implement the library's features.

Proposed Solution:

Create a new directory named examples in the project root and include sample projects showcasing various use cases. Each sample project should have its own README file explaining its purpose and how to run it.

Suggested Sample Projects:

  1. Basic Usage: A simple project demonstrating the basic features of the library.
  2. Advanced Usage: An advanced project showcasing more complex usage scenarios.
  3. Integration with Other Libraries: A project demonstrating how to integrate this library with other popular libraries.

Additional Notes: