amingolmahalle / HttpClientToCurlGenerator

The HttpClientToCurl is a NuGet package for generating curl script of HttpClient in .NET ( C# | CSharp | Dotnet ) supported features: Post, Get, Put, and Delete. content types: application/json, text/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
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There are differences in generating cURLs #45

Open wf-soft opened 6 days ago

wf-soft commented 6 days ago
  1. The generated string has multiple URL encodings (%3D->%253D)
  2. The Headers value after production exists ";" Number, etc., causing inconsistency in the original User Agent In some application scenarios, it is necessary to ensure that the parameters are highly consistent and no differences are allowed, otherwise the request will fail
amingolmahalle commented 5 days ago

Hello, dear @wf-soft.thank you for your attention. please send us more description along with sample codes for your steps for better understanding of your issues and fixing them. also if you like I can assign this issue to you.