Hello, I'm working on app that targeted to Russian\Ukrainian\Belarus audience and noticed that "Selected Day" section for single date dialog picker has US like formatting (yyyy/MM/dd) instead of dd/MM/yyyy (i mean that there is no support for locale dates formatting, in different countries order of year, month and day differs).
Here is possible fix:
File: com.aminography.primedatepicker.picker.selection.single.SingleDaySelectionBarView
Fix (line 48):
var pickedDay: PrimeCalendar? = null
set(value) {
field = value
rootView.pickedTextView.bottomLabelText = value?.let {
val dateFormatter: DateTimeFormatter =
DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.LONG) // I prefer full date format
val localDate = Instant.ofEpochMilli(it.timeInMillis)
} ?: "---"
By the way, good work. You've created really sweet looking widget easy both to use and implement in code.
Hello, I'm working on app that targeted to Russian\Ukrainian\Belarus audience and noticed that "Selected Day" section for single date dialog picker has US like formatting (yyyy/MM/dd) instead of dd/MM/yyyy (i mean that there is no support for locale dates formatting, in different countries order of year, month and day differs). Here is possible fix: File: com.aminography.primedatepicker.picker.selection.single.SingleDaySelectionBarView Fix (line 48):
By the way, good work. You've created really sweet looking widget easy both to use and implement in code.