I Tested your app, and it works Great!, but it has a problem i couldn't find a solution for,
after making a phone call, it stays connected for only 60 seconds then it automatically hangs up,
have you encountered this problem? if you did, please advice.
NOTE: the server account i am using, i tried it on other client apps on google play and it stayed connected as much as i want, which is more than 60 seconds,
i searched your code, but i couldn't find any counter or condition of this scenario, any suggestion would be appreciated.
Hello Mr Amin.
I Tested your app, and it works Great!, but it has a problem i couldn't find a solution for,
after making a phone call, it stays connected for only 60 seconds then it automatically hangs up,
have you encountered this problem? if you did, please advice.
NOTE: the server account i am using, i tried it on other client apps on google play and it stayed connected as much as i want, which is more than 60 seconds,
i searched your code, but i couldn't find any counter or condition of this scenario, any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thank you..