amir-arad / EmptyEpsilon

Open source bridge simulator. Build with the SeriousProton engine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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getSectorName by color #24

Open tdelc opened 5 years ago

tdelc commented 5 years ago


Really, I love, we love your system name sector. For Point Zero, that will be a huge enhancement. I want to ask you for a little PR for that. Could you please modify your getSectorName to include a level : blue, yellow, green and red ?

Example : getSectorName(obj,1) = A0C getSectorName(obj,2) = H0C getSectorName(obj,3) = BLOC getSectorName(obj,4) = SROC

I try it but I don't succeed it, I don't understand enough about division and modulo :)

Thanks it advance.

amir-arad commented 5 years ago

would love to help out! but, I don't understand the requirement. could you explain what is "level" means to you? or, describe the entire feature?

also, did you check out the new location and waypoint features?

tdelc commented 5 years ago

I give you an example : Ship is in sector V35C


But we can also say that the ship is in a larger yellow sector called X32C


Or in the green sector BLOC


Or in the red sector SROC


I want to describe a location with this designation : quadrant SROC - Sector BLOC - Area X32C - Section V35C

And so, I would like a function to get these four designation. For example : getSectorName(obj,level) with level could be equal to 1,2,3,4

Or something like this.

I am currently integrate your sector system in my fork, so I will test your next PR soon :)

amir-arad commented 5 years ago

I think it's really simple. just divide the location vector by 8 to the power of the level getSectorName(position / 8) should give you yellow sector getSectorName(position / (8*8)) should give you green sector etc. and the general form is getSectorName(position / std::pow(8, level))

warning : this code is straight from my head. maybe some small tweak is missing.

tdelc commented 5 years ago

It was a good idea to ask you for that, I would tried a lot of hard code to do that...

Thanks a lot ! Not need for a new function so !

amir-arad commented 5 years ago

I had the chance to sleep on it, and I think i made a mistake. It would work only on positions close to 0,0. The function should be getSectorName(Vector2i(position / std::pow(8, level)) * std::pow(8, level))

I tested the math briefly in javascript using this function:

function floorPositionToLevel(pos, lvl) {
  let powerOfLevel = Math.pow(8, lvl);
  return Math.floor(pos / powerOfLevel) * powerOfLevel;

console.log(floorPositionToLevel(5, 0)); //5
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(5, 1)); //0
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(5, 2)); //0
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(85, 0)); //85
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(85, 1)); //80
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(85, 2)); //64
console.log(floorPositionToLevel(85, 3)); //0

assuming the calculus of Vector2 has the same semantics for - and / (it should) and that casting Vector2f to Vector2i has same semantics as Math.floor on number in JS, it should work.

I would love to write the C++ code but we have no tests set up so i need a feature that uses it in order to test

amir-arad commented 5 years ago

How's it going? did it work?

tdelc commented 5 years ago

I have a first try. I added a function for spaceobject : getSectorNameLevel

I tried to modify the getSectorName with a default parameter equal to 0, but I didn't suceed it.

What to you think ?

string SpaceObject::getSectorNameLevel(int level)
    int factor = std::pow(8,level) * GameGlobalInfo::sector_size;

    sf::Vector2f position = getPosition();
    position.x = floorf(position.x / factor) * factor;
    position.y = floorf(position.y / factor) * factor;

    return ::getSectorName(position);
amir-arad commented 5 years ago

I seems like a more verbose way to do what I suggested (with the added GameGlobalInfo::sector_size as part of the factor. good catch)

I bet ::getSectorName doesn't compile though :)

tdelc commented 5 years ago

I thought like you for ::getSectorName, but it works :) I don't understand why