amiranagram / localizator

Scan your Laravel project and generate language files ready to translate in language(s) of choosing.
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Vuejs and $t #62

Open piep14 opened 4 months ago

piep14 commented 4 months ago


I'm using the laravel-vue-i18n package.

I put my configuration file like this :

'search' => [
         * Directories which should be looked inside.
        'dirs' => [

         * Subdirectories which will be excluded.
         * The values must be relative to the included directory paths.
        'exclude' => [

         * Patterns by which files should be queried.
         * The values can be a regular expression, glob, or just a string.
        'patterns' => ['*.php', '*.vue'],

         * Functions that the strings will be extracted from.
         * Add here any custom defined functions.
         * NOTE: The translation string should always be the first argument.
        'functions' => ['__', 'trans', '@lang', 'trans_choice', '$t']

And yet, it doesn't bring out the values in me, such as: <label for="new-message" class="form-label">{{ $t('Add a new message for this travel') }} :</label>

I also had to ignore the spatie/laravel-cookie-consent package because it crashes due to the following strings: {!! trans('cookie-consent::texts.message') !!}

Thank you for your help

maicol07 commented 3 days ago

@piep14 since the functions array will be used in a regex you have to escape the dollar.

This worked for me: \$t