amirbarkal / websphere-nd-docker

Spinning a 2-node WebSphere ND Cluster with Docker
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ERROR: Service 'dmgr' failed to build: pull access denied for amirb/portal, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login' #1

Open imv7 opened 6 years ago

imv7 commented 6 years ago

IGOR:Desktop root# git clone

Cloning into 'websphere-nd-docker'... remote: Counting objects: 40, done. remote: Total 40 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 40 Unpacking objects: 100% (40/40), done. Checking connectivity... done. IGOR:Desktop root# IGOR:Desktop root# cd websphere-nd-docker/ IGOR:websphere-nd-docker root# docker-compose up -d Creating network "webspherenddocker_default" with the default driver Building dmgr Step 1/15 : FROM amirb/portal:nd ERROR: Service 'dmgr' failed to build: pull access denied for amirb/portal, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login' IGOR:websphere-nd-docker root#

kreativeuser commented 5 years ago

I'm getting the same issue. Do you happen to have the instructions on how to build the dmgr? The link to build the image is broken as well.

kirpheaice commented 10 months ago

I'm getting the same issue too.

  1. we cannot find [amirb] in docker hub, but we have [amirbarkal] in there.
  2. however, under the repositories of amirbarkal, we can only find 2 images which has no relation with WebSphere.
  3. I guess we have to find another solution.