amirldn / rtx-voice-script

A python script that takes an input MP3/FLAC and outputs an acapella/background noise stripped WAV using the power of NVIDIA's RTX Voice
GNU General Public License v3.0
89 stars 4 forks source link

Duration of the recoder #2

Open EzioFenix opened 4 years ago

EzioFenix commented 4 years ago

I have a question, so between flac and a wav comes out? Or a flac comes in and a flac can come out?

Pd Thank you for hearing my request.

Sorry if the translation is not good, I speak Spanish

amirldn commented 4 years ago


EzioFenix commented 4 years ago

I will carry out some tests to see if the error persists, it is that I plan to connect a super resolution module, that its output is the input of your module and that output is again the input of a super resolution module.

If that is to be achieved, you would have perfect audio for teacher videos in times of pandemic.

In addition, everything would be implemented with python and deep learning.

The program I'm talking about is this, read it, it may interest you.

I have not implemented it because:

1- I don't know how to train models 2- I don't know python well for now

amirldn commented 4 years ago

That would be a great addition to program if you are able to work on something like that! I currently am not too familiar with deep learning since I have not learned it at university and haven't looked into it much on my own but these libraries are very useful so thank you for that.