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Bad Motion Toolbox link in website Gems page #111

Open jlmuir opened 5 years ago

jlmuir commented 5 years ago

The RubyMotion Gems page contains a Motion Toolbox link which seems to no longer land at the expected Motion Toolbox website. Perhaps the owner (@clayallsopp, I think, given the Motion-Toolbox website repo) retired the site, did not renew the domain, or something else. (?) The link should be changed to the new location of Motion Toolbox, or it should be removed if there will be no new location.

amirrajan commented 5 years ago

I'm leaning towards removing the link. What are your thoughts?

jlmuir commented 5 years ago

I was hoping someone would say the site is not dead. I found the site to be quite useful. For example, it's where I found Clay's motion-env gem. I think having a curated list of of RubyMotion gems is really nice.

I guess if no one wants to keep the site going, maybe even a Markdown document hosted on GitHub or something would still be useful. Hmm, after a quick web search, it seems maybe such a thing exists already: Awesome RubyMotion (which is referenced in awesome). I don't know mipmip, the developer who appears to be merging PRs, but I do recognize other contributors: @hboon and @andrewhavens. So, if it seems like a reputable list, perhaps the link could be to it instead of Motion Toolbox?

hboon commented 5 years ago

FWIW. I remember mipmip from the Slack channel. Not sure if he's still active there.

andrewhavens commented 5 years ago

We were having a conversation about this issue in Slack. We agreed that we would like to continue to have some sort of RubyMotion Toolbox site, but I don't think @clayallsopp is interested in continuing to maintain it since the domain expired. An easy fix would be to point to the existing motion-toolbox GitHub page. Long term, I think we want to make some architectural/UI changes to make it more useful and easier to contribute to.

I also think it would be useful to link to the Awesome RubyMotion page.

So we should have both. 😄

amirrajan commented 5 years ago

For me, I feel that the only frameworks I tend to recommend are motion-support, ProMotion, and motion-provisioning. Outside of that I try not to take on any more work 😬

digitalmoksha commented 5 years ago

Hmm, are we not recommending BubbleWrap or Sugarcube anymore? 🤔

amirrajan commented 5 years ago

I see bubble wrap and sugar cube as receipe books and just pull snippets out of them. But you’re right. I’d totally recommend bubble wrap and sugar cube too.