amirrajan / rubymotion-applied

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ARKit Sample App/documentation #48

Open amirrajan opened 6 years ago

amirrajan commented 6 years ago

From Slack:

But how does it know I'm trying to implement the delegate for ARSKViewDelegate when I use class GameViewController < UIViewController

After some trial and error I got it to work. I missed setting the .delegate = self. However that resultet in my viewWillAppear only firering once (even if i kill app and restart). To solve this i had to do something like this

def viewDidLoad

NSLog("RM_AR_DEBUG viewDidLoad")

self.view = arsk_view @scene_view = arsk_view @scene_view.delegate = self

@game_scene = GameScene.sceneWithSize(arsk_view.size) @game_scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFit


arsk_view.showsFPS = true arsk_view.showsNodeCount = true end

def arsk_view @arsk_view ||= ARSKView.alloc.initWithFrame(screen_rect) end

def viewWillAppear(animated) super(animated)

NSLog("RM_AR_DEBUG viewWillAppear")

configuration = @scene_view.session.runWithConfiguration(configuration) end