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Crash course on unpacking Objective C macros so you can use the non-macro version in RubyMotion #91

Open amirrajan opened 6 years ago

amirrajan commented 6 years ago

Some Objective C samples out there leverage c macros. For example:

UIEdgeInsets padding = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 10, 10, 10);

[view1 mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {; //with is an optional semantic filler

This is from Masonry.

The equalTo is a macro defined as:

 *  Convenience auto-boxing macros for MASConstraint methods.
 *  Defining MAS_SHORTHAND_GLOBALS will turn on auto-boxing for default syntax.
 *  A potential drawback of this is that the unprefixed macros will appear in global scope.
#define mas_equalTo(...)                 equalTo(MASBoxValue((__VA_ARGS__)))
#define mas_greaterThanOrEqualTo(...)    greaterThanOrEqualTo(MASBoxValue((__VA_ARGS__)))
#define mas_lessThanOrEqualTo(...)       lessThanOrEqualTo(MASBoxValue((__VA_ARGS__)))

#define mas_offset(...)                  valueOffset(MASBoxValue((__VA_ARGS__)))


#define equalTo(...)                     mas_equalTo(__VA_ARGS__)
#define greaterThanOrEqualTo(...)        mas_greaterThanOrEqualTo(__VA_ARGS__)
#define lessThanOrEqualTo(...)           mas_lessThanOrEqualTo(__VA_ARGS__)

#define offset(...)                      mas_offset(__VA_ARGS__)


Ruby devs may not be familiar with how to leverage non-macro versions of the above.

Some guidance would be helpful.

amirrajan commented 6 years ago

It would also help to have a how-to for viewing macro expansions in general. Relevant link