amirrajan / rubymotion-applied

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More trouble shooting docs that would be good to clean up and publish #94

Open amirrajan opened 6 years ago

amirrajan commented 6 years ago

Convo on Slack:

Awesome Dev [10:26 AM] Hi Amir, thanks for getting back to me!

Amir Rajan [10:28 AM] Hey!! So quick info about your background as a ruby dev? Beginner, Intermediate, Expert?

Awesome Dev [10:30 AM] beginner, just completed a web dev course where we used it

Amir Rajan [10:30 AM] gotcha Just to make sure, you are on a Mac?

Awesome Dev [10:30 AM] yessir

Amir Rajan [10:30 AM] :tada: K, first I'd install brew and rbenv to manage your ruby installations (edited) (edited) after that you'll want to make sure you're on the latest version of git: brew install git will ensure that then, you'll want to make sure you have XCode 9.2 installed (it's strongly recommended that you install from: (all this may take a while to get installed, but I'm here all day so just ping me)

Awesome Dev [10:34 AM] sounds good, I've got it running now, thanks

Amir Rajan [10:35 AM] you might have to install XCode before attempting to run brew commands (but brew will let you know if that's the case)

Awesome Dev [10:37 AM] its finished installing and it looks like I'm good on the Xcode front

Amir Rajan [10:38 AM] You'll want to open up XCode once (to accept the license agreement) after that, in the terminal run xcode-select --install

Awesome Dev [10:42 AM] done

Amir Rajan [10:42 AM] cool so try running motion create HelloWorld in the terminal and tell me what errors you get

Awesome Dev [10:45 AM] I got error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied, but then it created multiple folders and files

Amir Rajan [10:45 AM] do you have a Github account?

Awesome Dev [10:45 AM] i do

Amir Rajan [10:46 AM] are you in a directory that's already a git repository? the first time you run RubyMotion, it attempts to create a directory at ~/.rubymotion to house all the open source templates

Awesome Dev [10:47 AM] I don't think I am but I'll try creating in a different directory

Amir Rajan [10:48 AM] I generally do mkdir ~/projects cd ~/projects motion create HelloWorld

Awesome Dev [10:52 AM] same error with the git fetch

Amir Rajan [10:52 AM] that's odd... let's try this ls ~/.rubymotion does it return anything?

Awesome Dev [10:54 AM] rubymotion-command rubymotion-templates

Amir Rajan [10:54 AM] cool, how about rbenv versions

Awesome Dev [10:55 AM] -bash: rbenv: command not found

Amir Rajan [10:55 AM] ah, so here is what's happening ruby that ships with OSX required administrative privileges to run so anything that was created with that has essentially admin access we want to set up your system to use a version of ruby that's in "user land" brew install rbenv and then rbenv install 2.3.1 followed by rbenv global 2.3.1 (this is one of those "rites of passage" every ruby dev has to go through, I know it's a pain)

Awesome Dev [11:03 AM] done!

Amir Rajan [11:03 AM] awesome so now if you type rbenv versions you should see something like this

└─» rbenv versions
* 2.3.1 (set by /usr/local/var/rbenv/version)

Awesome Dev [11:04 AM] should I see 1.8.7

Amir Rajan [11:05 AM] did the rbenv install 2.3.1 command run successfully? (you may need to restart the terminal afterwards

Awesome Dev [11:06 AM] it did, I see that line

Amir Rajan [11:06 AM] rbenv global 2.3.1 should set it (edited)

Awesome Dev [11:06 AM] that line didn't return anything

Amir Rajan [11:07 AM] no worries, what do you see now when you try rbenv versions

Awesome Dev [11:07 AM] system

Amir Rajan [11:07 AM] \o/ perfect now rm -rf ~/.rubymotion to get rid of the admin owned directory

Awesome Dev [11:09 AM] :S permission denied

Amir Rajan [11:09 AM] sudo sudo rm -rf ~/.rubymotion

Awesome Dev [11:13 AM] should that have returned anything?

Amir Rajan [11:13 AM] nope, just no errors :grimacing:

Awesome Dev [11:13 AM] ok :+1:

Amir Rajan [11:13 AM] cool, noooowwww let's try creating a project again cd ~/projects motion create HelloWorldAgain

Awesome Dev [11:15 AM] no git error this time

Amir Rajan [11:15 AM] best. day. ever. k, cd HelloWorldAgain rake you should see the iOS simulator popup with a fancy little app

Awesome Dev [11:16 AM] :confused: Print: Entry, ":CFBundleShortVersionString", Does Not Exist Print: Entry, ":ProductBuildVersion", Does Not Exist xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method []' for nil:NilClass /Library/RubyMotion/lib/motion/project/xcode_config.rb:88:inxcode_version' /Library/RubyMotion/lib/motion/project/xcode_config.rb:101:in validate' /Users/icevr/.rubymotion/rubymotion-templates/motion/project/template/ios/config.rb:133:invalidate' /Library/RubyMotion/lib/motion/project/config.rb:123:in setup' /Library/RubyMotion/lib/motion/project/app.rb:66:inconfig' /Users/icevr/.rubymotion/rubymotion-templates/motion/project/template/ios.rb:156:in `block in <top (required)>' Tasks: TOP => default => simulator (See full trace by running task with --trace)

Amir Rajan [11:17 AM] xcode-select --install (you may need to run it with sudo) if you get a message that says it is already isntalled run sudo xcode-select --reset

Awesome Dev [11:18 AM] xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates should I update?

Amir Rajan [11:19 AM] try sudo xcode-select --reset you should be on xcode 9.2 (you can double check if needed) after the command above type xcode-select --print-path which should return:

└─» xcode-select --print-path

Awesome Dev [11:21 AM] yep

Amir Rajan [11:21 AM] kk, now try rake again

Awesome Dev [11:22 AM] ERROR! The requested deployment target SDK is not available or supported by RubyMotion at this time. :confused:

Amir Rajan [11:22 AM] no worries no worries :slightly_smiling_face: ls /Library/RubyMotion/data/ios

Awesome Dev [11:23 AM] 11.2

Amir Rajan [11:24 AM] kk, one sec open up the Rakefile you should see a line app.deployment_target = .. set it to app.deployment_target = '11.2' any luck ^

Awesome Dev [11:30 AM] yep

Amir Rajan [11:30 AM] something came up?

Awesome Dev [11:46 AM] I don't think that's strictly a dev's an easy corner to cut

Amir Rajan [11:47 AM] ya, and the market speak is really overbearing it's hard to step back and look at the motives and long term support so open Xcode tap the menu item at the top left and select preferences and then click components

Amir Rajan [11:49 AM] uploaded this image: components

Amir Rajan [11:49 AM] tap components and make sure you have some simulators installed

Awesome Dev [11:52 AM] sorry, I'm having trouble finding the menu item I haven't used Xcode much

Amir Rajan [11:53 AM] XCode -> Preferences When the XCode screen is in focus you’ll see the menu item right next to the Apple

Awesome Dev [11:54 AM] thanks

Amir Rajan [11:56 AM] Deploying to an actual iOS device requires you to fork over the $99 to Apple for a full blown dev license But if you decide to do that, I’ll help you get to deploying to the device. Just ping me

Awesome Dev [11:31 AM] just got distracted, sorry

Amir Rajan [11:31 AM] no worries :slightly_smiling_face: this is a nice little toolkit if you want to play around with native app development: GitHub infinitered/ProMotion ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby. Star this repo to keep tabs on our progress! if you want to play around with video games: GitHub amirrajan/RubyMotionSpriteKit RubyMotionSpriteKit - Batteries included SpriteKit

Awesome Dev [11:32 AM] sorry, i just ran the rake again and got the same error

Amir Rajan [11:32 AM] and for wrapping a responsive website (rails website): GitHub amirrajan/RubyMotionWebApp Contribute to RubyMotionWebApp development by creating an account on GitHub.

Amir Rajan [11:42 AM] This is really really really important to me. It's worth a read and what sets RM apart from the rest of the stuff out there: RubyMotion's Guiding Principles Write cross-platform apps for iOS, Android and OS X in Ruby these days I feel devs take some of the more human things for granted and just follow what facebook, et al do (edited)

amirrajan commented 6 years ago
