amirsanni / Mini-Inventory-and-Sales-Management-System

An Inventory and Sales Management System written in PHP (codeIgniter) with support for MySQL and Sqlite3 databases
MIT License
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transaction #66

Closed onlinesaleem closed 4 years ago

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

at the moment of confirm order i am getting this error "Oops! Bug? Unable to process your request. Please try again or report error" but transaction saved

amirsanni commented 4 years ago

Is this on the demo site or your localhost?

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

Is this on the demo site or your localhost?

after published from my localhost

amirsanni commented 4 years ago

Check the application/logs folder to check the error message.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

application/logs folder doesnt get any error message except index files, showing the same error message though records saved some where i am missing help me bro. Its nice software

Error1 Error2

amirsanni commented 4 years ago


Check your browser console for errors and share if there's any.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


amirsanni commented 4 years ago

Let me see if I can reproduce the error from my end.

Please share the network response too. Seems to be a database query issue.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

i am using xamp combine with apache and mysql

amirsanni commented 4 years ago

Check your browser network tab and share the response from the server after a new transaction.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

Here the details you asked


amirsanni commented 4 years ago

No that's not it. Let me see if I can recreate the error, if not we may need to have a remote session.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

sure will do

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

Hi any solutions ????????????

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

Hi , now i am got the error logs please refer below those logs

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:09:05 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(totalMoneySpent) AS totalMoneySpent FROM transactions WHERE DATE(transDate) = CURRENT_DATE GROUP BY ref ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:15:22 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(totalMoneySpent) AS totalMoneySpent FROM transactions WHERE DATE(transDate) = CURRENT_DATE GROUP BY ref ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:15:22 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(modeOfPayment) as modeOfPayment FROM transactions WHERE YEAR(transDate) = '2020' GROUP BY ref ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:15:30 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(transId) AS transId, ANY_VALUE(totalPrice) AS totalPrice, transactions.ref, ANY_VALUE(transactions.totalMoneySpent) AS totalMoneySpent, ANY_VALUE(transactions.modeOfPayment) AS modeOfPayment, ANY_VALUE(transactions.staffId) AS staffId, ANY_VALUE(transactions.transDate) AS transDate, ANY_VALUE(transactions.lastUpdated) AS lastUpdated, ANY_VALUE(transactions.amountTendered) AS amountTendered, ANY_VALUE(transactions.changeDue) AS changeDue, CONCAT_WS(" ", ANY_VALUE(admin.first_name), ANY_VALUE(admin.last_name)) as "staffName", ANY_VALUE(transactions.cust_name) AS cust_name, ANY_VALUE(transactions.cust_phone) AS cust_phone, ANY_VALUE(transactions.cust_email) AS cust_email, SUM(transactions.quantity) AS quantity FROM transactions LEFT JOIN admin ON transactions.staffId = GROUP BY ref ORDER BY transId DESC LIMIT 10 ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:15:30 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(totalMoneySpent) AS totalMoneySpent FROM transactions WHERE DATE(transDate) = CURRENT_DATE GROUP BY ref ERROR - 2020-02-11 14:15:49 --> Query error: FUNCTION 1410inventory.ANY_VALUE does not exist - Invalid query: SELECT ANY_VALUE(totalMoneySpent) AS totalMoneySpent FROM transactions WHERE DATE(transDate) = CURRENT_DATE GROUP BY ref

amirsanni commented 4 years ago

Oh! ANY_VALUE is not supported by mariadb. I fixed this in my last commit. Pull that and try again.

onlinesaleem commented 4 years ago

i changed database now its working ,thank you

amirsanni commented 4 years ago

