amisadmin / fastapi-amis-admin

FastAPI-Amis-Admin is a high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework. Inspired by django-admin, and has as many powerful functions as django-admin.
Apache License 2.0
1.05k stars 154 forks source link

希望把 amis 拆开来独立一仓库维护 #185

Open InfernalAzazel opened 1 month ago

InfernalAzazel commented 1 month ago
  1. 读取模版使用 jinja2 这样那个框架都能用
  2. 维护变得更加容易
  3. 各个框架通用


from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from pydantic import Field
from typing_extensions import Literal

    from pydantic import SerializeAsAny
except ImportError:
    from typing import Union as SerializeAsAny
from .constants import (
from .types import (

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(Path(__file__).parent / 'templates')) # <- 这条新增

RemarkT = Union[str, "Remark"]

class Html(AmisNode):

    type: str = "html"  # specify as html component
    html: str  # html When you need to get variables in the data field, use Tpl.

class Icon(AmisNode):

    type: str = "icon"  # specify the component type
    className: Optional[str] = None  # Outer CSS class name
    icon: Optional[str] = None  # icon name, support fontawesome v4 or use url
    vendor: Optional[
        str] = None  # icon vendor, icon supports fontawesome v4 by default, if you want to support fontawesome v5
    # and v6, please set vendor to an empty string.

class Remark(AmisNode):

    type: str = "remark"  # remark
    className: Optional[str] = None  # Outer CSS class name
    content: Optional[str] = None  # prompt text
    placement: Optional[str] = None  # Popup position
    trigger: Optional[str] = None  # Trigger condition['hover','focus']
    icon: Optional[str] = None  # "fa fa-question-circle" # icon

class Badge(AmisNode):

    mode: str = "dot"  # Corner type, can be dot/text/ribbon
    text: Union[int, str, None] = None  # Corner text, supports strings and numbers, invalid when mode='dot'
    size: Optional[int] = None  # Angular size
    level: Optional[
        str] = None  # The level of the corner label, which can be info/success/warning/danger, after setting the
    # background color of the corner label is different
    overflowCount: Optional[int] = None  # 99 # Set the capped number value
    position: Optional[str] = None  # "top-right" # Corner position, can be top-right/top-left/bottom-right/bottom-left
    offset: Optional[
        int] = None  # The position of the corner label, the priority is greater than the position, when the
    # offset is set, the position is positioned as the top-right reference number[top, left]
    className: Optional[str] = None  # The class name of the outer dom
    animation: Optional[bool] = None  # whether the corner icon displays animation
    style: Optional[dict] = None  # Custom style for corner labels
    visibleOn: Optional[Expression] = None  # Controls the display and hiding of corner labels

class Page(AmisNode):

    __default_template_path__: str = 'page.jinja2'

    type: str = "page"  # Specify as Page component
    title: SerializeAsAny[Optional[SchemaNode]] = None  # page title
    subTitle: SerializeAsAny[Optional[SchemaNode]] = None  # Page subtitle
    remark: Optional[
        RemarkT] = None  # A prompt icon will appear near the title, and the content will be prompted when the
    # mouse is placed on it.
    aside: SerializeAsAny[Optional[SchemaNode]] = None  # Add content to the sidebar area of the page
    asideResizor: Optional[bool] = None  # whether the width of the sidebar area of the page can be adjusted
    asideMinWidth: Optional[int] = None  # The minimum width of the sidebar area of the page
    asideMaxWidth: Optional[int] = None  # The maximum width of the sidebar area of the page
    toolbar: SerializeAsAny[Optional[SchemaNode]] = None  # Add content to the upper right corner of the page.
    # It should be noted that when there is a title, the area is in the upper right corner,
    # and when there is no title, the area is at the top
    body: SerializeAsAny[Optional[SchemaNode]] = None  # Add content to the content area of the page
    className: Optional[str] = None  # Outer dom class name
    cssVars: Optional[dict] = None  # Custom CSS variables, please refer to styles
    css: Optional[str] = None  # Custom CSS styles, please refer to used theme styles
    mobileCSS: Optional[str] = None  # Custom mobile CSS styles, please refer to used theme styles
    toolbarClassName: Optional[str] = None  # "v-middle wrapper text-right bg-light bb" # Toolbar dom class name
    bodyClassName: Optional[str] = None  # "wrapper" # Body dom class name
    asideClassName: Optional[str] = None  # "w page-aside-region bg-auto" # Aside dom class name
    headerClassName: Optional[str] = None  # "bg-light bb wrapper" # Header area dom class name
    initApi: Optional[
        API] = None  # The api that Page uses to get initial data. The returned data can be used at the entire
    # page level.
    initFetch: Optional[bool] = None  # True # whether to start pulling initApi
    initFetchOn: Optional[Expression] = None  # whether to start pulling initApi, configure by expression
    interval: Optional[int] = None  # refresh time (minimum 1000)
    silentPolling: Optional[
        bool] = None  # False # whether to show the loading animation when the configuration is refreshed
    stopAutoRefreshWhen: Optional[
        Expression] = None  # Configure the conditions for stopping refresh through expressions
    regions: Optional[List[str]] = None

    def render(
            template_path: str = "",
            locale: str = "zh_CN",
            cdn: str = "",
            pkg: str = "amis@1.10.2",
            site_title: str = "Amis",
            site_icon: str = "",
            theme: str = "cxd",
        """Render html template"""
        template_path = template_path or self.__default_template_path__
        #  这个改成这样
        return env.get_template(template_path).render(
                "AmisSchemaJson": self.json(),
                "locale": locale.replace("_", "-"),  # Fix #50
                "cdn": cdn,
                "pkg": pkg,
                "site_title": site_title,
                "site_icon": site_icon,
                "theme": theme,

fastapi 使用

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse

from amis.components import App

app = FastAPI()

@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def read_root():
    amis_app = App()
    amis_app.type = 'page'
    amis_app.body = {
        'type': 'form',
        'mode': 'horizontal',
        'api': '/saveForm',
        'body': [
                'label': 'Name',
                'type': 'input-text',
                'name': 'name'
                'label': 'Email',
                'type': 'input-email',
                'name': 'email'

    return HTMLResponse(content=amis_app.render())