amisadmin / fastapi-user-auth

FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user RBAC authentication and authorization library. Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.
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和fastapi-scheduler搭配使用 #11

Closed EdTechools closed 1 year ago

EdTechools commented 1 year ago


amisadmin commented 1 year ago
class MyAuthAdminSite(AuthAdminSite):

    async def has_page_permission(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return await self.auth.requires(response = False, roles = ['admin'])(request)

# 管理站点
site = MyAuthAdminSite(settings, engine = engine)
EdTechools commented 1 year ago
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request
from sqlmodel import SQLModel
from import AuthAdminSite
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.settings import Settings
from fastapi_scheduler import SchedulerAdmin

app = FastAPI()

class MyAuthAdminSite(AuthAdminSite):

    async def has_page_permission(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return await self.auth.requires(response=False, roles=['admin'])(request)

# 管理站点
site = MyAuthAdminSite(settings=Settings(database_url_async='sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db'))
auth = site.auth

# 创建定时任务调度器`SchedulerAdmin`实例
scheduler = SchedulerAdmin.bind(site)

# 添加定时任务
@scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour=9, minute=0)
def cron_task_test():

# 挂载后台管理系统

async def startup():
    # 启动定时任务调度器
    # await site.db.async_run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all, is_session=False)
    # await auth.create_role_user('admin')
    # await auth.create_role_user('vip')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import uvicorn, debug=True)


The garbage collector is trying to clean up connection <AdaptedConnection <Connection(Thread-87, started daemon 23092)>>. This feature is unsupported on async dbapi, since no IO can be performed at this stage to reset the connection. Please close out all connections when they are no longer used, calling ``close()`` or using a context manager to manage their lifetime.
C:\Users\cjh25\scoop\apps\python\current\lib\site-packages\fastapi_user_auth\auth\ SAWarning: The garbage collector is trying to clean up connection <AdaptedConnection <C
onnection(Thread-87, started daemon 23092)>>. This feature is unsupported on async dbapi, since no IO can be performed at this stage to reset the connection. Please close out all connections when they are no longer used, calling ``close()`` or using a context manager to manage their lifetime.
return bool(session.scalar(stmt))
amisadmin commented 1 year ago
