When saving too many entries in a minute the response is
{u'servedby': u'mw1286', u'error': {u'info': u'As an anti-abuse measure, you are limited from performing this action too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit.\nPlease try again in a few minutes.', u'*': u'See https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php for API usage', u'code': u'failed-save', u'messages': [{u'html': {u'*': u'As an anti-abuse measure, you are limited from performing this action too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit.\nPlease try again in a few minutes.'}, u'name': u'actionthrottledtext', u'parameters': []}]}}
When saving too many entries in a minute the response is