amitbet / vncproxy

An RFB proxy, written in go that can save and replay FBS files
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Regarding client-to-server messages #11

Closed sibeshkar closed 4 years ago

sibeshkar commented 5 years ago

Hello, thank you very much for building this. I had a query - how do I explicitly separate client-to-server messages recorded, from server-to-client messages? I have a setup where I need to convert mouse and keyboard messages recorded from the client into pyautogui events. Any help appreciated, thanks.

amitbet commented 5 years ago

The way this project is built is that you have a server side connection, which is created when a vnc client connects to the vncProxy, and a client side connection that is created when the proxy connects to the vnc server of your choice, each of them has an array of listeners, that you can add to in order to listen in on the events sent by the remote side (client or server). The recorder (recorder.go) listens to both sides in order to know about everything, but it doesn't record client mouse & keyboard messages. Of the client messages, it only responds to SetPixelFormatMsgType, as you can see in the switch case for SegmentFullyParsedClientMessage on recorder.go, this is since the current recorder implementation records the events needed for screen replay, which means: mainly the frame buffers returned from the server.

You can modify it to listen and record additional client messages, although I don't know if writing them to file will keep in line with the standard fbs file specification (for replay in the tightVnc player). You can also create your own recorder and save whatever events you want in a format of your choosing.

sibeshkar commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I tried this my modifying the code in recorder.go and then logged the output in debug mode. On interacting with the vncserver via a different vnc client, the recorder didn't detect any client Messages from my client, and hence didn't log any of the debug comments.

case common.SegmentFullyParsedClientMessage:
        clientMsg := data.Message.(common.ClientMessage)

        switch clientMsg.Type() {
        case common.SetPixelFormatMsgType:
            clientMsg := data.Message.(*server.MsgSetPixelFormat)
            logger.Debugf("Recorder.HandleRfbSegment: client message %v", *clientMsg)
            r.serverInitMessage.PixelFormat = clientMsg.PF
        case common.KeyEventMsgType:
            logger.Debugf("Key Event Received")
        case common.PointerEventMsgType:
            logger.Debugf("Pointer Event Received")

            //return errors.New("unknown client message type:" + string(data.UpcomingObjectType))

While I understand how proxy.go records client messages, how does recorder.go also do it? Does the vncserver broadcast messages received from any one client, to all connected clients? Thanks.

amitbet commented 5 years ago

recorder.go is used by proxy.go to record messages, is is inserted as listener to the client-conn and server-conn, but If I understand you correctly - you may have been using "recorder/cmd/main.go", in that case you will not have any client messages since you have no real client since main.go is your client, and it doesn't send any key/mouse messages, just buffer requests. if you have been using proxy/cmd/main.go you should have a server-conn which accepts a connection from a real vnc client - in this case the ServerConn's handle function should be called on client messages and these lines should create a client message segment: seg := &common.RfbSegment{ SegmentType: common.SegmentFullyParsedClientMessage, Message: parsedMsg, } err = c.Listeners.Consume(seg)

sibeshkar commented 5 years ago

The code snippet you gave I can see here already in the ServerConn handle function, As I see in the debug mode, proxy/cmd/main.go seems to be detecting the Pointer and KeyEvents from the attached client but isn't recording them. How do I both write them to file and read them later? I assumed by including them as cases here : . Tried this:

        switch clientMsg.Type() {
        case common.SetPixelFormatMsgType:
            clientMsg := data.Message.(*server.MsgSetPixelFormat)
            logger.Debugf("Recorder.HandleRfbSegment: client message %v", *clientMsg)
            r.serverInitMessage.PixelFormat = clientMsg.PF
        case common.KeyEventMsgType:
            clientMsg := data.Message.(*server.MsgKeyEvent)
            logger.Debug("Recorder.HandleRfbSegment: writing bytes for KeyEventMsgType", *clientMsg)
        case common.PointerEventMsgType:
            clientMsg := data.Message.(*server.MsgPointerEvent)
            logger.Debug("Recorder.HandleRfbSegment: writing bytes for PointerEventMsgType", *clientMsg)

While I think it is detecting the EventMsgTypes, I don't think it's writing to file. How to fix this? thanks!

P.S : also puzzlingly, FramebufferUpdateRequestMsgType doesn't seem to be accounted for by the above switch-case condition in recorder.go, yet it is still recorded (and is detected by player/cmd/main.go).

amitbet commented 5 years ago

Some clarifications:

sibeshkar commented 5 years ago

Got it. Thank you so much! I will record the client messages into a separate writer.

P.S. One unintended consequence I noticed of doing r.writeToDisk() on detecting KeyEventMsgType and PointerEventMsgType was that playback got much smoother when I played back the file using player/cmd/main.go, as opposed to before, when it was abrupt and jerky. Not sure why this is happening, but am very happy with the result!