amitbet / vncproxy

An RFB proxy, written in go that can save and replay FBS files
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bad message type, 248 with noVNC 1.1.0 #15

Closed deanchou closed 4 years ago

deanchou commented 4 years ago


Im trying to use noVNC 1.1.0 with vncproxy 1.11 but I got this error:

[Info ] FBS recording is turned off [Info ] running two listeners: tcp port: :5900, ws url: [Error] ClientConn.MainLoop: bad message type, 248 [Warn ] ClientConn.MainLoop: exiting! [Error] ClientUpdater.Consume (vnc-server-bound, SegmentFullyParsedClientMessage): problem writing to port: write tcp> use of closed network connection [Error] IServerConn.Handle: listener consume err write tcp> use of closed network connection

my cmdline:

proxy -targHost= -targPort=5900 -targPass=111111 -tcpPort=5900 -wsPort=5001 -vncPass=111

rfbproxy works well with this cmdline

./rfbproxy -recFile=./recording.rbs -targHost= -targPort=5900 -targPass=111111

Here is my information: vnc server: tigervnc-1.10.0 (default setting) noVNC Websockets settings: Host: Port: 5001 Path:

Am I doing something wrong? Thank you

amitbet commented 4 years ago

248 is the Fence command, but I do have support for it in the code... I think I found the problem - the defaultMessages in the MainLoop didn't contain the ServerFence type.

try this and tell me if it works:

amitbet commented 4 years ago

Please tell me if it is fixed, so I can publish a new version with the update.