amitha-sanka / janl

reunion project
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Peer Review #1 #12

Open jesa06 opened 1 year ago

jesa06 commented 1 year ago


self-reflection (Joselyn): I think I have been working on task for the past work days. But besides those days I haven't really been on task. I did manage to complete one of my two API's but I still have to customize the website and make it more visual appealing.

Peer Reviewer: Naja- Completed 5.3 and 5.4 blog thoroughly very good work. Has been working on their feature and making sure links work to each person's page on our website. Keeps group on task and helps us when we get suck. Also added to the homepage making it look nice.

Peer Reviewer: Lina

Peer Reviewer: Amitha Joselyn kept our entire team on task and ensures that we are being productive and making progress on our feature both in and out of class. She had detailed answers to her blog posts and has been working on her feature.

jesa06 commented 1 year ago


Self Reflection: Lina

Peer Reviewer: Joselyn

Peer Reviewer: Naja Lina has stayed on task and has really worked on making her frontend look good. She has been resilient when it doesn't work and troubleshoot until she did get what she wanted to come out the way she wanted it to. Her ability to stay on task has motivated me to do somewhat the same and she has been helpful to me as well as the rest of the team.

Peer Reviewer: Naja

Lina has been focused and been diligently working through the blogs. She has been working really hard on her feature and has put in extra time and effort ensuring it looks the way we all want it to. Everyday in class she has been productive and is making the frontend look good.

jesa06 commented 1 year ago


Self-Review: I have been on task however, I think I need to start working faster and dedicating more time to this project. Especially my API as I'm still struggling to grasp what I will need to be able to complete. However, I can always ask for help from Joselyn and my other teammates. Other than that, I think I've been doing good research towards my project, but maybe I am overthinking it and should start putting my knowledge into action as time is counting down until the N@tM.

Peer Reviewer: Lina

Peer Reviewer: Joselyn

Peer Reviewer: Amitha

jesa06 commented 1 year ago


Self-Review Thoroughly completed 5.3 and 5.4 blogs, has been working on making a heart-shaped button for the Your Likes page and figuring out how to code it and which language to use. Also, linking the Your Likes page to the activities page.

Peer Reviewer: Lina

Peer Reviewer: Joselyn Amitha finished her blogs on the day of the lesson and completed each reflection. She is always on task during class and asks for help when she needs it. The progress is a little slow on her "Your Likes" feature but I will make sure we get more done this week.

Peer Reviewer: Naja