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Go through the champsim codebase #4

Open amithgopi opened 2 years ago

amithgopi commented 2 years ago
abbypjoby commented 2 years ago
$ ./ <configuration file>
$ make
$ bin/champsim --warmup_instructions 200000000 --simulation_instructions 500000000 ~/path/to/traces/600.perlbench_s-210B.champsimtrace.xz

These are the 3 steps involved in configuring and then creating the champsim binary for that spec. The file is basically a python script. So we can use python to run it in an M1 mac. Then the make is trivial.

Once make is executed a champsim binary is created which can be used to run the traces on

abbypjoby commented 2 years ago

In, line number 424, there is a function called init_instruction. This is the part of the program that actually executes the trace on the OOO processor core. It takes in the trace, decodes the instruction of the trace and updates the data structure called arch_instr.