amitmerchant1990 / reverie

:art: A ridiculously elegant Jekyll theme.
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Collection post won't show up in categories #80

Closed Gabriel-p closed 11 months ago

Gabriel-p commented 1 year ago

The Categories page works fine for posts in the _posts folder, but my posts in a collection I created will not show there. The collection's folder is called _clusters, I modified the _config.yml file as shown below but it will not work

include: ['_pages', '_clusters']

    output: true

Any help will be much appreciated

manaspz commented 11 months ago

Can you be a little more clear about your objective ? Why exactly do you want a different source ?

Gabriel-p commented 11 months ago

I'm using this theme because it's light, elegant and responsive, but I don't want to use posts because I have no use for dates. So I use another folder to store my .md files (the _clusters folder) and leave a blank post in _posts because otherwise the theme apparently breaks. But if I add categories to these .md files, these won't show up in the Categories page (which shows 404 when accessed).

Here's my repo if you want to see what I'm doing:

For now only this entry has tags:

manaspz commented 11 months ago

The fundamental problem here is not with the theme, but with Jekyll build. If I am not wrong, across all Jekyll templates the format for adding post content remains the same. i.e. Format in the order of Because its a : static blog aware site generator

What you can do other than this is to not go with the post approach but a page approach, where each of your posts can be a page, and you can create a central page database linking all those pages/entries together.

Gabriel-p commented 11 months ago

You mean move my .md files from the _clusters folder to the _pages folder? I tried that with one example ( but the Tags don't show ( and the Tags page is empty (

manaspz commented 11 months ago

I think I understand your issue better now ! But this is not relevant to this project repository, So you can close this issue here. Open one on your own and we can take the discussion there.

Gabriel-p commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much for your help! If you want to take a look at the issue in my repo, here it is: