Just noticed this issue that if I release my app it crashes everytime on ANRequests. It wasn't crashing on Debug builds just releases. So really only changes to gradle are the minifyEnabled true, and the proguard using the proguard-android.txt thats it, my proguard has nothing in it. Release build fails... then if I change minifyEnabled to false then the release app runs just fine.
Just noticed this issue that if I release my app it crashes everytime on ANRequests. It wasn't crashing on Debug builds just releases. So really only changes to gradle are the minifyEnabled true, and the proguard using the proguard-android.txt thats it, my proguard has nothing in it. Release build fails... then if I change minifyEnabled to false then the release app runs just fine.
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException throw with null exception com.matthewscorp.board.game.repositories.LatestCarousalRepository$setLatestCarousalList$3$1.onResponse (LatestCarousalRepository.java:66) com.androidnetworking.common.ANRequest.deliverSuccessResponse (ANRequest.java:40) com.androidnetworking.common.ANRequest.access$6500 (ANRequest.java) com.androidnetworking.common.ANRequest$6.run (ANRequest.java:4)
added the -dontwarn okio.** and it still crashes