amiuhle / kasisto

A Monero Point of Sale payment system
MIT License
159 stars 39 forks source link

Dockerfile / Production setup configs #8

Open amiuhle opened 7 years ago

amiuhle commented 7 years ago
dternyak commented 7 years ago

Is anyone working on this already? I may take a crack it at if not.

amiuhle commented 7 years ago

Not really. I've got a Dockerfile at that will download the latest release which could be a starting point, but there are others out there could also be used.

What would be helpful most right now is to have a testnet docker-compose.yml in the project (monerod, monero-wallet-rpc with configurable wallet and password and nginx proxy for CORS headers). Testnet shouldn't be run from the latest stable release, however, but should follow the master branch. There is a buildbot, and builds end up here: There's no URL to get like the latest successful build for the master branch though. I brought that up on IRC, I'll check if there's any update on that.

I know the Dockerfiles could also compile from source, but having downloadable binaries as a starting point would mean we can reuse them for production setups on lower end hardware on which it would take a while to compile from source.

amiuhle commented 6 years ago


malbit commented 5 years ago

Hi. I would like to help you with that project and contribute in development. Im after such payment system like is in that repository.