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Is Taglist plugin removed? #140

Closed onebraveman closed 8 years ago

onebraveman commented 8 years ago

After install shell, I find the command Tlist is not work. So I find the directory and no taglist file is found.

So, is it removed ?

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

can you show me the output of :set tags?

onebraveman commented 8 years ago

I clone taglist using git and move it to ~/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked, so maybe some help is need. My vim :set tags are:

  autoindent          filetype=nerdtree   linebreak           smartcase           wildmenu
  autoread          nofoldenable          matchtime=2         smartindent         winfixwidth
  background=dark     helplang=en       nomodifiable          smarttab          nowrap
  bufhidden=hide      hidden            nomodified          noswapfile          nowrapscan
nobuflisted           history=500         mouse=a             syntax=nerdtree   nowritebackup
  buftype=nofile      hlsearch            ruler               tabstop=4           t_Sb=^[[4%dm
  cmdheight=2         ignorecase          scroll=22           textwidth=500       t_Sf=^[[3%dm
  copyindent          incsearch           scrolloff=7         timeoutlen=500      t_vb=
  cscopetag           langmenu=en         shiftwidth=4        ttyfast
  cscopeverbose       laststatus=2        showmatch           ttymouse=xterm2
  cursorline          lazyredraw          showtabline=2       viminfo='20,"50
  grepprg=/bin/grep -nH
wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

for l long time ,the taglist has not been updated,maybe you can ues tagbar instead you can have a look at

but i use it to make java project,

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

set tags? do not throw away ?

onebraveman commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Maybe I have solved it. As you warn, I tried source ~/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked/taglist.vim/plugin/taglist.vim, taglist works. Thank you,

I just dont know how to make vim file works. If you could tell me the method, that's best.

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

why don't you use vundle or nuobundle to manager you vim plugins? can you chow me you vimrc?

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

whit the help of vundle, you just need to add this to vimrc,the plugin will be installed Plugin 'taglist.vim'

DanielArndt commented 8 years ago

@onebraveman I just installed tagbar (just git clone it into sources_non_forked) since taglist didn't work for me either. After that, just added a mapping like the one suggested in the readme (nmap <F8> :TagbarToggle<CR>) and I was done.

I have no idea why taglist doesn't work, but it seems to be a bit dated as @wsdjeg mentioned.

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

taglist work well for me ,you can have a look at my vimrc in my dotfiles repo

onebraveman commented 8 years ago

I'm not so familiar with the using of vundle, and it seems that the repository use pathogen. Maybe I need to take some time to learn more about Vim. @danielarndt , My taglist works well. I just put the source in ~/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked, and use source. Maybe you could have a try!

DanielArndt commented 8 years ago

@onebraveman Maybe the use of source was my problem. I'm happy with tagbar now, it does all I need, but maybe I'll give it a shot and see if I prefer one over the other.

amix commented 8 years ago

I removed it because I don't use taglist any more and it created some trouble on some installations.

You can include it by following this guide