amjadafanah / FX-SAAS-9

This project is for testing the security and quality of APIs in FX SaaS
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FX-SAAS-9 : ApiV1OrgsIdGetPathParamSqlInjectionMysqlId #1374

Open amjadafanah opened 5 years ago

amjadafanah commented 5 years ago

Project : FX-SAAS-9

Job : Dev

Env : Dev

Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1

Result : fail

Status Code : 200

Headers : {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Set-Cookie=[SESSION=NTExMDAxMTYtMzljZS00MDk3LWI0ODgtZjY4YWNhMDk4NzE2; Path=/; HttpOnly], Content-Type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Date=[Fri, 05 Oct 2018 11:19:24 GMT]}

Endpoint :

Request :

Response :
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Logs :
Assertion [@ResponseTime >= 5000] resolved-to [484 >= 5000] result [Failed] --- FX Bot ---