amkirwan / ember-oauth2

JavaScript library for using OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow (Client-Side Flow) with Ember.js
MIT License
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ember-token-auth and ember-oauth2 - the same thing? #27

Open carrotcomputer opened 7 years ago

carrotcomputer commented 7 years ago

Reading through the documentation and being quite new to oAuth in general, I think its very confusing if these two addons are actually the same thing.

The documentation telling you to refer to the other addon continuously isn't great...

Attempting to install ember-oauth2 resulted in a error, so I chose ember-token-auth.

Are they the same? If not, what is the difference and which one should you use when developing using Ember CLI.

Thanks in advance

mshamma commented 7 years ago

Agreed. I appreciate the effort on this project and I know you may be busy with other work, but the docs do lack a working example that (perhaps) incorporates where each framework begins and ends.