amkirwan / ember-oauth2

JavaScript library for using OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow (Client-Side Flow) with Ember.js
MIT License
133 stars 22 forks source link

Add ember-cli-babel as a dependency (not devDep) #30

Closed miguelcobain closed 6 years ago

miguelcobain commented 6 years ago

I was seeing the following warning message when building the app:

DEPRECATION: Addon files were detected in app-directory/node_modules/ember-oauth2/addon, but no JavaScript preprocessors were found for ember-oauth2. Please make sure to add a preprocessor (most likely ember-cli-babel) to in dependencies (NOT devDependencies) in ember-oauth2's package.json.

Did the same fix as in The addon is working fine for me after this change.

amkirwan commented 6 years ago

@miguelcobain Thanks for the pull request! Hey can you rebase against master I had to make some updates to get working. Thanks

miguelcobain commented 6 years ago

@amkirwan done 👍

miguelcobain commented 6 years ago

@amkirwan can you please make a new npm release? There isn't any published version with this change for some months now.

amkirwan commented 6 years ago

@miguelcobain published a release v0.2.4-beta to npm