aml4td / website

Website sources for Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data
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fix some typos #31

Closed krz closed 4 months ago

krz commented 4 months ago

Thanks for submitting an issue to the repository.


A merged PR will make you appear in the contributor list. It will, however, be considered a donation of your work to this project. You are still bound by the conditions of the license, meaning that you are not considered an author, copyright holder, or owner of the content once it has been merged in.

Submitting a PR will mean that you acknowledge that you understand that you give up any claims of authorship, ownership, or copyright (Max and Kjell excluded).

Just a typo?

That's great. The best thing you can do is make the change and check in the qmd file(s). Please don't include intermediate files (like HTML, md, etc).

A more substantial change?

Please try to follow these guidelines:

topepo commented 4 months ago
