Seeder product is meant to generate transactions that are as close to real life as possible. Those transactions then can be used as test samples to test monitor (app.amlcloud.io) rules and run realistic demos.
For that we need to be able to push (send) transactions (as a batch) to app.amlcloud.io (monitor project) with a push of a button.
Add a button to the feed item to be able to send a batch to API url
Make a function that will send the already generated batch trn to API url.
Purpose Seeder product is meant to generate transactions that are as close to real life as possible. Those transactions then can be used as test samples to test monitor (app.amlcloud.io) rules and run realistic demos. For that we need to be able to push (send) transactions (as a batch) to app.amlcloud.io (monitor project) with a push of a button.
Implementation: Add a button to the feed item to be able to send a batch to API url
Make a function that will send the already generated batch trn to API url.