ammarahm-ed / react-native-actions-sheet

A Cross Platform(Android, iOS & Web) ActionSheet with a flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
MIT License
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Android - Bottom view still showing after dragging bottom sheet down #373

Open roncbird opened 3 weeks ago

roncbird commented 3 weeks ago


Thank you for your work on this library. We are currently in the process of rebuilding our app from native to React Native, so it's been very helpful to find libraries like this one, however, I have ran into a couple of issues on Android. When I drag the bottom sheet down, near the bottom of the screen, there is a view showing behind the bottom sheet. Please see the video below.

I don't see this issue on Web or iOS just android. The emulator I am using is Pixel 5 API 30. I've tested this on a physical Pixel 3 running API 31, and see the same issue.

We're using the bottom sheet pretty much in a basic way. Here is the first file.


`import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import ActionSheet, { SheetProps } from 'react-native-actions-sheet';

const BottomSheet = (props: SheetProps<'bottom-sheet'>) => { return ( <ActionSheet testIDs={{ modal: 'testModal' }} gestureEnabled={true} indicatorStyle={styles.indicatorStyle} containerStyle={styles.contentContainer}

{props.payload.value} ); };

const styles = StyleSheet.create({ contentContainer: { backgroundColor: 'white', paddingBottom: 16, paddingTop: 16, }, indicatorStyle: { backgroundColor: '#9FA1A4', height: 6, marginBottom: 16, marginTop: 16, width: 36, }, });

export default BottomSheet;`

Here is the sheets.tsx

` import React from 'react'; import { registerSheet, SheetDefinition } from 'react-native-actions-sheet';

import BottomSheet from './BottomSheet';

registerSheet('bottom-sheet', BottomSheet);

declare module 'react-native-actions-sheet' { interface Sheets { 'bottom-sheet': SheetDefinition<{ payload: { value: React.ReactNode; }; }>; } }

export {}; `


const handlePresentBottomSheet = () =>`, { payload: { value: ( <> <Text style={{ ...theme.typography.body.baseBold, paddingStart: 16 }}

Sheet headline <View style={{ padding: 8 }} /> <Text style={{ ...theme.typography.body, paddingStart: 16 }}> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. <View style={{ padding: 16 }} /> <View style={{ paddingHorizontal: 16, paddingBottom: 8 }}> <Button buttonCopy="Close BottomSheet" buttonOnPress={handleLogout} buttonSize="LARGE" buttonType="PRIMARY" buttonWidth="HUG" /> <View style={{ paddingHorizontal: 16, paddingTop: 8 }}> <Button buttonCopy="Close BottomSheet" buttonOnPress={handleLogout} buttonSize="LARGE" buttonType="PRIMARY" buttonWidth="HUG" /> </> ), }, });

return (

<> Welcome on Board {email}
roncbird commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @ammarahm-ed, I wanted to follow up with my question above and see if you're aware of any issues in the library that may be causing this, and if there is a solution for it? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.