$ python ~/src/gkyl.master/Regression/mom-two-stream/generate-rt-two-stream-5m.py -h
usage: generate-rt-two-stream-5m.py [-h] [--vDrift__vTe VDRIFT__VTE] [--kx_de KX_DE] [--pert PERT]
[--tEnd_wpe TEND_WPE] [--nFrame NFRAME] [--Nx NX] [--nProcs NPROCS]
Generate gkyl input file of the 5-moment simulation of two-stream instability.
positional arguments:
filename name of the gkyl lua input file to be generated
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--vDrift__vTe VDRIFT__VTE
drift velocity / thermal velocity
--kx_de KX_DE wavenumber * Debye length
--pert PERT perturbation magnitude to the uniform background density
--tEnd_wpe TEND_WPE simulation time * plasma frequency
--nFrame NFRAME number of output frames excluding the initial condition
--Nx NX number of cells for discretization
--nProcs NPROCS number of processors for parallel computing
To see usage, use
option; e.g.,