ammmir / inboxissues-test

test issues
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horizontal layout is broken #7

Open alabut opened 12 years ago

alabut commented 12 years ago

The current implementation splits the sidebar into two columns and expands the main window until there's a horizontal scrollbar below. We should emulate rapportive's approach and simply strip out the ads, either than or place the ii widget above it within the same column.


8:36 PM me: hey there!great news about our work session31 minutes9:08 PM amir.malik: yobut the question isdoes it work :)53 minutes10:01 PM me: we'll see, I'm about to test it out10:05 PM ok, I'm looking at it nowamir.malik: aight10:06 PM me: have you got a sec to chat about it?10:07 PM amir.malik: i'm herewhat's happening?10:08 PM me: just wanted to give feedback and discuss testingdidn't want to step on your project management toes like last time :)10:09 PM amir.malik: don't worry, we're almsot at the point where we can open up issues for this lolif you want to talk go aheadme: haha, so that answers one of my questions - whether I can start filing issues right now10:10 PM we're going to need someplace central to track tasks about the app and what to do next, so I thought using github issues would be a nice way to dogfood it10:11 PM amir.malik: agreed, i think you can. we're taking a one day hiatus, and gonna meetup wed again.10:12 PM me: ok, what do you guys have in mind to work on next?amir.malik: i guess whatever issues you file :)me: hahaamir.malik: mostly there's some security stuff left on the backend (it's complicated by not having II credentials) so we should do that before letting people try it outme: sure10:13 PM amir.malik: otherwise cosmetic stuffme: well there's stuff that's obvious and doesn't need debate, just needs to be tracked somewhere (like removing google ads so we don't break the horizontal layout) and then there's more fundamental stuff"more fundamental stuff" = discussions about features and flowfor example10:14 PM right now I'm looking at an email from you and it says there's no issues, probably because it's keyed into this particular thread, although you have filed about half a dozen issuesthat's not a bug, it works just like we drew it up, we just need to talk about whether that's how it should workamir.malik: yeah, i filed issues for a particular email address (customer)10:15 PM me: so then this email address doesn't map to the one you filed in github, that's all?10:16 PM i.e. I'm looking at a thread from and seeing "no issues" filed, so that means the "ammmir" github account doesn't map to ""? Is that right?amir.malik: no, it means that no issues have been filed for an email originating from me: I'm confused - I thought that's what I said10:17 PM amir.malik: the mapping between github acct and email doesn't existme: ahit'll show *me" as filing issues because I'm logged inamir.malik: anyone can FILE the issue, but it's keyed on the email sender's addressrightme: and once I file some issues from within inboxissues, it'll track it back to the email address of the customer I was talking to at the timeamir.malik: and the backend merely associates the issue # with the sender of that parituclar emailyepme: GOT IT10:18 PM okwell we knew we were going to have to fake it with data a little bit until we can test on real customer support emailsso anyway, I also wanted to say good job!you guys made a great amount of progress today10:19 PM I'm excited to wrap up my ideas for the yc application and also launch a more descriptive landing page with screenshots10:20 PM amir.malik: thanks, it was great to get something working finally!me: yeah, I'd love to take our application to the next levelamir.malik: cool, no word from 500s i take it?me: nopenot yet10:21 PM amir.malik: for ii, how far do you think we're from an mvp?10:22 PM me: I talked to a friend that's going through the same process (Tracy from weddinginvitelove) and she's not in their program yet either, even though she's in the designer fund, so we shouldn't take it too hard if they're laggingfor ii - I'm not sure because I still haven't been able to test it out fully10:23 PM like, I just ran into a bug right nowsorry :(amir.malik: cool, we can be patientme: I put in a title for filing an issue and it did nothingamir.malik: after installing the new version did you update your options page?me: I refreshed the issue tracker on github to make sure it wasn't filedyeahamir.malik: it's imperative that you resave your credentials10:24 PM me: oh, you left that part out!I just changed the repohang on...amir.malik: clicking save & continue should be enough thoughme: WHOAI see double the number of repostwo of everything10:25 PM strange, if you refresh do the doubles disappear?me: lemme try10:26 PM yeah10:27 PM and I'm assuming that since ammmir/inboxissues-test is selected by default, it's already saved that one as the repo to use, but that could be wrong because it's also the first in the option list and there's no blank or default choice in the first spotso I'll click save/continue and refresh gmail one more time, hang onamir.malik: ok10:28 PM me: oh COOLnow I see issues filed by youbecause I pulled up a different email thread, one where you used amir.malik@gmail.comthat's really cool!lemme try filing an issue againamir.malik: oh sweet!10:29 PM me: dang, still can't create an issue :(amir.malik: ok nowgo into your extensions listme: looks like you've had all the fun and I can't fileamir.malik: find II and inspect bg.htmlme: is it because you don't want me filing too many? hahaha :)amir.malik: and open the js consolelolany errors?me: it's like a pm's blacklist"keep this guy from filing issues"amir.malik: my secret weapon hahahaha10:30 PM me: you gotta admit that's hilarious, given our other discussionamir.malik: yeah srs, no wonder pm's are always on the ball, trying to prevent thatme: ok, I'm looking at the js console10:31 PM amir.malik: go to the bottom or look for any errorsme: I don't see any errorsamir.malik: somewhere it should say: 29bg got action get_issuesgot action get_issuesor i meancreate_issuecan you paste what appears after that10:32 PM me: there's thousands of lines and I don't see a way to searchgahI'm going to cut/paste into textmate then, I guessamir.malik: waitjust clear itand try to create again10:33 PM me: I just searched in TM and it didn't find that "create_issue"only "get_issues"amir.malik: ok clear the console windowme: ok10:34 PM and then?try to file againamir.malik: yeahand send output of the logme: whoanothingnot a single lineamir.malik: ok, go to the gmail tab. open its console window.10:35 PM go toward the very bottomme: I only got it to populate after changing email threads, but it was all get_issuesok, there's some errors in the console window for gmail10:36 PM 56chrome-extension://fehnflclaoahcdbmnimgebjnfoaoojdl/js/gmail.js:90InboxIssues conversaion view checkchrome-extension://fehnflclaoahcdbmnimgebjnfoaoojdl/js/gmail.js:122Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of nullsorry, that's two linesamir.malik: nice, is there a stack trace?me: no idea, I just went to console in the web inspectoramir.malik: ok excellentpaste your exact gmail tab urlme: PM amir.malik: my regex is wrong10:38 PM me: ok10:39 PM want me to hang on for another test?amir.malik: yeah lemme try to quickly fix the code10:41 PM go to extensions tab and update all extensions, and reload gmailit should be at version 0.2 now10:42 PM me: ok, hang on