I have made some little change in the file
in order to generate a link and not a text in the body of the email, so now is faster because you only need to click on the link (instead with your code, the new user has to copy and paste the url)
I have made some little change in the file ....\mail\confirmEmail.php
in order to generate a link and not a text in the body of the email, so now is faster because you only need to click on the link (instead with your code, the new user has to copy and paste the url)
this is the code:
use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\helpers\Url;
<?= $subject ?></h3>
<?= Yii::t("user", "Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below:") ?></p>
<?= Html::a(Url::toRoute(["/user/confirm", "token" => $userToken->token], true), Url::toRoute(["/user/confirm", "token" => $userToken->token], true)) ?></p>
The same improvement should be done in the files:
bye bye Francesco