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Republish for scalajs-0.6.1 #115

Open amnaredo opened 3 years ago

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

To ensure that uPickle users benefit from (and avoid symptoms seen in, uPickle needs to be republished for scalajs-0.6.1.

ID: 72 Original Author: ramnivas

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

Do you need to recompile to fix the problem or is it just a dependency thing?


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Ramnivas Laddad wrote:

To ensure that uPickle users benefit from scala-js/scala-js#1506 (and avoid symptoms seen in scala-js/scala-js#1514, uPickle needs to be republished for scalajs-0.6.1.

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Original Author: dispalt

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

I believe the following patch needs to be applied (bumped product version too, since I am not sure republishing a published artifact is allowed or even a good idea). BUT... when I tried to sbt publishLocal, I got unresolved com.lihaoyi#utest_sjs0.6_2.10;0.2.5, thus not making a PR off of it.

diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 6d534a1..70d7658 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.10.4", "2.11.4")

 val upickle = crossProject.settings(
   organization := "com.lihaoyi",
-  version := "0.2.6",
+  version := "0.2.7",
   scalaVersion := "2.10.4",
   name := "upickle",
   scalacOptions := Seq("-unchecked",
diff --git a/project/build.sbt b/project/build.sbt
index 40a67d6..0dd657b 100644
--- a/project/build.sbt
+++ b/project/build.sbt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.0")
+addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.1")

Original Author: ramnivas

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

I'm also not clear. @sjrd does this mean the generated IR changed with that fix?

Original Author: lihaoyi

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

Yes the generated IR changed. It's still compatible, though, in the sense that the linker of 0.6.0 can read .sjsir files produced by 0.6.1 and vice versa. Basically the output of the 0.6.0 compiler was buggy. So yes a recompilation is needed. It is not just a dependency thing, otherwise I would not have told you in the first place.

Original Author: sjrd

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

Ok cool, I'll give everything a recompile next pass

Original Author: lihaoyi

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

This has happened

Original Author: lihaoyi