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Error for nested case classes using default arguments #194

Open amnaredo opened 2 years ago

amnaredo commented 2 years ago

(just copied this example from my pull request, so it doesn't get lost)

package example

import upickle.Js

case class A(bs: List[B] = Nil)
case class B(nums: List[Js.Num] = Nil)

object Main {


Example.scala:9: type mismatch;
 found   : upickle.default.Writer[(example.A,)]
 required: upickle.default.Aliases.W[(List[example.B],)]
    (which expands to)  upickle.default.Writer[(List[example.B],)]
Error occurred in an application involving default arguments.

ID: 181 Original Author: fdietze

amnaredo commented 2 years ago

Could we get this resolved? Original Author: strelec

amnaredo commented 2 years ago

If you want me to have time to look at this, chip in Original Author: lihaoyi

amnaredo commented 2 years ago

Bug bankruptcy Original Author: lihaoyi