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Doesn't run - bad repository for 0.2.5? #91

Open amnaredo opened 3 years ago

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

Currently not working out of the box.

scala> import upickle. import upickle.

scala> write(1 :Int) java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to scala.scalajs.js.Any at upickle.json.package$.write(package.scala:38) at upickle.Types$class.write(Types.scala:127) at upickle.package$.write(package.scala:10) ... 43 elided

Can't imagine this is the update from 0.2.4, I'm guessing the wrong version hit the repo at "bintray/non" at ""

Using scalajs 0.5.5

ID: 37 Original Author: auxf5

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

Scala.js doesn't work with the REPL =/ that i all that you're seeing i believe. Try the JVM version or try running the Scala.js version using node.js/etc.

Original Author: lihaoyi

amnaredo commented 3 years ago

I figured out what was causing it, but I still think this is ivy or maven related. Going to hunt around scala.js groups a bit. It seems that even though scalatags, upickle, and some other shared dependencies are all listed the same way under shared dependencies, only upickle is using the scalajs version for both projects. What's driving me nuts is that it still causes problems if I split up the dependencies for upickle to %% and %%% for each project - so the repl works for the server-project if I remove upickle entirely from the client-project, and stops working when I add the %%% dep back to the client.

Sorry to waste your time, and thanks again: last night this was just so obviously maven's fault (It looked like they just had the scala.js version in both repo's)

Original Author: auxf5