amnemonic / Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware

Quansheng UV-K5 Firmware
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Increase/decrease the time F key is active as modifier #109

Open kittenarmy opened 7 months ago

kittenarmy commented 7 months ago

I'm wondering is it possible to adjust the time F key works as modifier. The reason being I am finding the radio really slow to respond for example if I press F+3 twice in a row it doesn't recognise it as a single operation to change parameter twice. I have to press F+3, wait for the radio to change, then press it F+3 again. Maybe it is a software bug, I notice it with changing H/M/L as well.

Increasing it might help, as it doesn't also always see that I am holding F at the same time.

Lar-Sen commented 7 months ago

One thing which is slowing down responsiveness is keeping the voice prompts active. No problem when disabled. Anyway, if you really want to experiment, it's easy to mod the F key timeout. Which firmware version are you using?

kittenarmy commented 7 months ago

Ah thanks, I disabled it and it is quicker. Would still be nice to adjust it though. I think I'm using firmware v26 from UVMOD. (Reason being I tried to patch v31 from QSFJ and it threw lots of errors which I don't recall getting before). I'm using v31.

Lar-Sen commented 6 months ago

EDIT: Sorry I was replying to another person :)

As you probably know, a DTMF tone is a mix of 2 tones with different frequencies. At firmware offset 0xA54C, you will find 8 hexadecimal 16bit values in series, which correspond to the following:

DTMF is mixed as below (tone1 is X and tone2 is Y):

    |   X1  X2  X3  X4 |
|Y1 |   1   2   3   A  |
|Y2 |   4   5   6   B  |
|Y3 |   7   8   9   C  |
|Y4 |   *   0   #   D  |


|TONE | HEX  |  FREQ.   |   Frequency is (HEX value)/10.32444
|X1   | 30C2 | 1209 Hz  |
|X2   | 35E1 | 1336 Hz  |
|X3   | 3B91 | 1477 Hz  |
|X4   | 41DC | 1633 Hz  |
|Y1   | 1C1C | 697 Hz   |
|Y2   | 1F02 | 770 Hz   |
|Y3   | 225C | 852 Hz   |
|Y4   | 25F3 | 941 Hz   |

So for example is you alter 35E1, it will change the sound of 2 , 5 , 8 and 0 at the same time. I don't know why you want to mod DTMF tones. Is this really want you want to achieve? By the way I don't think a python script is needed. Anyway I can craft one if you want.

Lar-Sen commented 6 months ago

Correct reply :)

F-key timeout is tied with other events (scanner timeout, delay to input numbers, menu timeout... and so on. If this doesn't bother you, you can direct edit your unscrambled firmware binary like below: Offset 0x2638 : Value 0x10

0x10 means 16*500ms, so 8 seconds timeout. You can decrease or increase it up to 255 (0xFF)

Let me know if you prefer a python script if ever you were not comfortable at hex editing.

kittenarmy commented 6 months ago

Ah thank you. I will try changing it this way but I wonder if it could be done with code so it doesn't impact other operations too much. I find I am also constantly locking the keypad or inputing number is the wrong field inadvertently.

Lar-Sen commented 6 months ago

It's easily possible to make it act as the "caps lock" way: Press F to flip. So if you often use H/M/L or so, you'll have type F-6-6-F to select QRP power for example. Another simpler fashion is to render F state sticky: It restores only if another key is pressed. No time-out. In either case the other functions wouldn't be affected.

kittenarmy commented 6 months ago

I found egzumer-custom does the Caps Lock, which I quite like, takes a little getting used to from stock.