amnemonic / Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware

Quansheng UV-K5 Firmware
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uvmod_kitchen update ? #7

Closed goopaga closed 1 year ago

goopaga commented 1 year ago

Hi Adam @amnemonic, let me start with a huge thank you for the effort you are putting into this great development of a surprisingly capable radio (for the price). I understand that this is team work with other brillant people, kudos to everybody involved !

I'm trying to coock my first firmware mod with the files from the "uvmod_kitchen" repository. However looks like the file "" is a previous version with "limited" band.

Would it be possible to update the repo with the latest file (18 to 1300 mhz) ?

Thanks 73' IU4MJW

amnemonic commented 1 year ago

Hello @goopaga and thank you for your kind words! Mod named should/can be used together with to also extend frequency ranges for each band. You have to remember that default input file is stock firmware.

The purpose of mod is to give ability to user to select which ranges should be covered by each frequency range of quansheng radio or if to extend them at all. By default, file contains frequency ranges exactly like in stock firmware. If you open file in text editor you will see these lines at the beginning:

# change below sets to new ones, values are in Hz
new_freq_low_limit =   [50_000_000, 108_000_000, 136_000_000, 174_000_000, 350_000_000, 400_000_000, 470_000_000]
new_freq_high_limit =  [76_000_000, 135_999_900, 173_999_900, 349_999_900, 399_999_900, 469_999_900, 600_000_000]

Here you can change low and high limit for each frequency band. The underscore _ symbol is omitted by python interpreter and is added only for better readability. So for example, if you want to fill the gap between 76 and 108Mhz then in second array change first limit from 76_000_000 to 107_999_990 or if you want to extend above 600MHz then change last limit from 600_000_000 to 1300_000_000. Please keep in mind that different ranges are demodulated slightly different inside BK4819 chip, and some ranges have enabled AM demodulation while other don't. That's why there is no universal way to just enable full frequency range from 18 to 1,3GHz and this mod gives users ability to change this setting depending of what is needed and also experiment with different ranges as everything here is giving the radio possibility to work out of intended specification 😉

marusc1 commented 1 year ago

Can frequencies down of 28 and up of 1300 be set for testing real hardware limits?