I read through the introduction of Shayan Najd and Simon Peyton Jones' paper Trees That
Grow and it seems to describe our exact problem of modelling in a well-typed manner a tree with expanding decorations on the vertices.
I'm hoping to try and replicate their technique in our phylogenetic computation context rather than the paper's "parser centric" context.
We have abandoned the "Trees that Grow" approach and chosen to pursue a different approach for record representation in our graphs. The graph object rewrite obviates this issue.
I read through the introduction of Shayan Najd and Simon Peyton Jones' paper Trees That Grow and it seems to describe our exact problem of modelling in a well-typed manner a tree with expanding decorations on the vertices.
I'm hoping to try and replicate their technique in our phylogenetic computation context rather than the paper's "parser centric" context.