We need to add a periodic "interruption" to write out the current save state to disk, check if our process has exceeded the specified time limit for running, and also output a heartbeat message of varying verbosity.
The save state should be serialized to disk after each new solution is constructed
There are some kinds of commands which have time limits. We will check if we have exceeded the time limit after each new solution construction.
The heartbeat message's content should be specified by the user from a list of options our language provides. Here's some candidate verbosity settings: logorrheic, prolix, garrulous, conversational, taciturn, silent.
We need to add a periodic "interruption" to write out the current save state to disk, check if our process has exceeded the specified time limit for running, and also output a heartbeat message of varying verbosity.
The save state should be serialized to disk after each new solution is constructed
There are some kinds of commands which have time limits. We will check if we have exceeded the time limit after each new solution construction.
The heartbeat message's content should be specified by the user from a list of options our language provides. Here's some candidate verbosity settings: logorrheic, prolix, garrulous, conversational, taciturn, silent.