amnong / easywebdav

A WebDAV Client in Python
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Call to download() results in zero sized files #9

Open jjohanson opened 11 years ago

jjohanson commented 11 years ago


When using the latest version of easywebdav,

easywebdav 1.0.7 requests 1.1.0 webdav server: mod_dav, apache2 ubuntu 12.10

I have a problem using downloading files. When doing a download (by calling the download() method), the file is created on the local machine with the correct name, but the file is empty (zero size).

When looking at the code I can see response.raw is used as an input to shutil.copyfileobj(). However, I think that the documentation for requests states that 'stream=True' must be used in the call to session.request for .raw to be valid (

"raw = None File-like object representation of response (for advanced usage). Requires that 'stream=True' on the request."

I have tried setting stream=True (line 77 in and the received file then contains data! However, when looking at the header I can see that my webdav server gzip'ing the files, so the files downloaded have to be unszipped.

***   2013-02-20 08:27:29.941967542 +0100
---   2013-02-18 14:17:59.114443000 +0100
*** 76,78 ****
          url = self._get_url(path)
!         response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, stream=True, **kwargs)
          if isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code != expected_code \
--- 76,78 ----
          url = self._get_url(path)
!         response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)
          if isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code != expected_code \

To get around this problem I have just uncommented the 'f.write(response.content)' on line 126 in (and added a comment to 'shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f)' on line 127).

As far as I can see using response.raw and something like shutil.copyfileobj() is however necessary to be able to download really large files.

jjohanson commented 11 years ago

Hello again,

I have looked some more at using 'response.raw'. As mentioned above you may end up with zip'ed files when setting 'stream=True' and using 'response.raw'. However, it turns out that the 'read()' method has an optional parameter 'decode_content' that can be set to True to have the response decoded (unzipped in this case):

So the following code are using 'stream=True', and response.raw (with called in a loop to copy all data).

The documentation on .read() states that you can not specify an amount to read and at the same time set ''. So this still leaves the question about the ability to read (very) large files. I have tried reading files up to about 600MB and I can see that the file is transferred in a single call to .read() (the while loop is only passed one). So, how to transfer really large files?


--- /home/jojo/Downloads/easywebdav-1.0.7/easywebdav/  2012-11-13 23:31:47.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easywebdav-1.0.7-py2.7.egg/easywebdav/  2013-02-24 09:51:50.638723255 +0100
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
             self.session.auth = (username, password)
     def _send(self, method, path, expected_code, **kwargs):
         url = self._get_url(path)
-        response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)
+        response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, stream=True, **kwargs)
         if isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code != expected_code \
             or not isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code not in expected_code:
             raise OperationFailed(method, path, expected_code, response.status_code)
@@ -124,7 +124,12 @@
         response = self._send('GET', remote_path, 200)
         with open(local_path, 'wb') as f:
-            shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f)
+            #shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f)
+            line =
+            while line:
+                f.write(line)
+                line =
     def ls(self, remote_path='.'):
         headers = {'Depth': '1'}
         response = self._send('PROPFIND', remote_path, (207, 301), headers=headers)


amnong commented 10 years ago

I'm going to release v1.0.8 after a really long while - please let me know if the problem persists with the new version.

blootsvoets commented 9 years ago

Works for me with requests==2.7.0 easywebdav==1.2.0 python==2.7.10

Jay54520 commented 7 years ago

This worked for me:

            response.raw.decode_content = True
            shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file)


 the response.raw file-like object will not, by default, decode compressed responses (with GZIP or deflate). You can force it to decompress for you anyway by setting the decode_content attribute to True
