amoghskulkarni / WebGME-MOCA

A domain-specific modeling language for running analyses on manufacturing process models
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Make widgets and plots horizontally aligned #1

Open amoghskulkarni opened 7 years ago

amoghskulkarni commented 7 years ago

In iPython notebook, make them appear in one single cell horizontally aligned.

amoghskulkarni commented 7 years ago

Can be done either with the help of -

  1. bqplot
  2. Output widget
    (Both of them as suggested here)
  3. bokeh widgets (but they don't have an easy-to-implement python-only callbacks, too much hassle)
source = None
widgets_states = {} = DataFrame({'Adder.sum': parseutils.getValues('Adder.sum'),
                                                'Adder.a': parseutils.getValues('Adder.a'),
                                                'Adder.b': parseutils.getValues('Adder.b')})
# step calculation
self.Adder_a__step = 0.1
self.Adder_b__step = 0.1

# bokeh config
source = ColumnDataSource(
self.p = figure(title='AdderDOEProblem')
self.r ='Adder.a', 'Adder.sum', source=source, size=3, alpha=0.5)

# Widgets states
widgets_states['Domain'] = 'Adder.a'
widgets_states['Range'] = 'Adder.sum'

# Widgets callbacks
def dummy_callback(source=source, window=None):
    data =
    x, y = data['Adder.a'], data['Adder.sum']
    widgets_states[cb_obj.title] = cb_obj.value            ## <------- THE CAUSE OF ERROR. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED.

# Widgets stuff
domain_options = ['Adder.a', 'Adder.b']
range_options = ['Adder.sum']
w_domain_dropdown = Select(options=domain_options, title='Domain', value='Adder.a', callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(dummy_callback))
w_range_dropdown = Select(options=range_options, title='Range', value='Adder.sum', callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(dummy_callback))
self.widgets = widgetbox(w_domain_dropdown, w_range_dropdown) for bokeh for bqplot

amoghskulkarni commented 7 years ago

This SO answer solves the problem. The layout still needs to be fitted into window of the browser, but basic problem (widgets not being rendered) is solved.

Need to integrate bqplot into the plotting now.