amoghskulkarni / WebGME-MOCA

A domain-specific modeling language for running analyses on manufacturing process models
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Fix Recorder feature in the OpenMDAO problems #16

Closed amoghskulkarni closed 7 years ago

amoghskulkarni commented 7 years ago

'dump' recorder is redundant. The code generator template for Problems is cluttered with the type-specific if-else statements which can be cleaned.

amoghskulkarni commented 7 years ago

213d6c89914cbd2527afbf490b0ce69e8a3a6a60 The "Recorder" attribute of a Problem does not affect the code generation in any way now. Every problem uses 2 recorders by default - DumpRecorder (generating 1 text dump) and CsvRecorder (generating 1 csv file) - regardless of whether it is optimization or DoE problem. DoE problem use 1 more recorder called SqliteRecorder which helps in the plotting.

Metamodel needs to be updated accordingly ("Recorder" attribute should be removed), however this issue has been addressed.