amoghskulkarni / WebGME-MOCA

A domain-specific modeling language for running analyses on manufacturing process models
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Make it possible to integrate DES models into MOCA anlayses #26

Closed amoghskulkarni closed 6 years ago

amoghskulkarni commented 6 years ago

The DES models were developed as standalone components. It should be possible to integrate them in a DoE or optimization analysis, where the various parameters of the DES models are set by the DoE/Opt driver (in OpenMDAO context) and the results are used in the respective analysis. Inclusion of the input and output ports to the ProcessFlow blocks is the key.

amoghskulkarni commented 6 years ago


This commit and (a few commits before this one) addresses this issue. The DES analysis can now be integrated in the MOCA analysis blocks (DoE/Opt).